Home > RecreationBirding in the Finger LakesBirding is one of the most popular year 'round outdoor activities in the region. This is due primarily to the region's diverse habitat, the hundreds of bird species that visit and breed in the region, the many opportunities to view birds, and the promotion of an interest in birds by such institutions as the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Braddock Bay Raptor Research, and Braddock Bay Bird Observatory.
The Finger Lakes is on the Atlantic Flyway and benefits from the great migrations of birds from their wintering grounds in the southern U.S., Mexico, and Central and South America to their breeding grounds in New York State and Canada. Errant species are not uncommon and add interest, if not excitement, to the activity.
Below is some information to help you get started birding in the Finger Lakes. STATE BIRD CLUBNew York State Ornithological Association P.O. Box 95 Durhamville, NY 13054 REGIONAL BIRD CLUBSP.O. Box 26814 Rochester, NY 14626
c/o Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology 159 Sapsucker Woods Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850
Chemung Valley Audubon Society P.O. Box 35 Elmira, NY 14902
Cortland Lime Hollow Bird Club Lime Hollow Nature Center for Environment & Culture
Cortland, NY 13045 607-758-5462
P.O. Box 928 Geneva, NY 14456
Genesee Valley Audubon Society P.O. Box 15512 Rochester, NY 14615-0512
P.O. Box 620 Syracuse, NY 13201
8 Chipmunk Trail Pittsford, NY 14534
Tioga Bird Club c/o Jeannette Baldwin 2027 Day Hollow Rd. Owego, NY 13827
CHECKLISTFIELD GUIDESSee the bottom of this page and the Bookstore. ONLINE DATABASEONLINE IDENTIFICATIONBLOGSBob Marcotte's The Word on Birds is an informative blog about birding in the region where you can ask questions, post information and photos about birds you've seen, and find out about what you missed. LOCATION GUIDEThe Wiki Guide to Birds
LISTSERVESFrequenting these lists will give you access to daily postings of birds sighted in each region and rare bird alerts. CVBIRDS KHAMO BIRDING TOURSHOUSES, FEEDERS, AND OTHER PARAPHERNALIAHELPFUL ARTICLES"The Age of Binoculars" by Kenneth V. Rosenberg BIRD WEB CAMSBIRDING SITESThere are hundreds of great birding spots in the Finger Lakes. In general, you can be sure to find plenty of interesting birds (as well as other animals and plants) along the Finger Lakes Trail and other hiking trails, at any of the state forests, state parks, and wildlife management areas, at nature centers, and, during migration, on most of the lakes. The sites listed on the links below are spots birders in the region particularly enjoy and would like to share with you. Cayuga CountyCayuga Community College Nature Trails Dorothy McIlroy Bird Sanctuary
Chemung CountyCenter at Horseheads Marsh Grasslands Sullivanville Dam Cortland CountyHoxie Gorge Livingston CountyCaledonia Fish Hatchery Twin Cedars Environmental Area Monroe CountyDurand Eastman Park Irondequoit Bay State Marine Park Nations Road
Perinton Ponds Onondaga CountySouth Meadows Nature Area Three Rivers Wildlife Management Area Whisky Hollow Ontario CountyHigh Tor Fish and Wildlife Management Area Schuyler CountyCatharine Marsh See also Kestral Haven for downloadable bird lists and information about what can be seen in the county. Seneca CountyMontezuma National Wildlife Refuge Seneca Meadows Wetland Preserve Steuben CountyGleason Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Tioga CountyTompkins CountyLindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve Park Nature Preserve--Baldwin Tract Wayne CountyOlga Fleisher Ornithological Foundation Yates CountyHigh Tor Fish and Wildlife Management Area West River
Updated 8 November 2012