Home > RecreationWatchable Wildlife in the Finger LakesIn 1990 the National Watchable Wildlife Program was established to help people find and enjoy wildlife. Sites where wildlife can routinely be seen were identified and guide books were published. In New York State, 76 sites were listed. (This is certainly not a definitive list but a good start.) Of those, 12 are in the Finger Lakes Region.
Beaver Lake Nature CenterBraddock Bay Fish and Wildlife Management AreaConesus Inlet Fish and Wildlife Management AreaCornell Lab of Ornithology & Sapsucker WoodsFair Haven Beach State ParkFinger Lakes National ForestGreen Lakes State ParkLetchworth State ParkLime Hollow Center for Environment & CultureMendon Ponds ParkMontezuma National Wildlife RefugeWaterman Conservation Education CenterDEC's Watchable Wildlife pages
Updated 7 July 2010