Home > Fun > RecipesApples in the Finger LakesApples are so common and so popular in the Finger Lakes, that you might think that they're native to the region. No, apples actually come from what is now Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. But, New York State is the second largest apple producing state in the country after Washington State, and the Finger Lakes produces many of New York's apples.
We eat apples fresh off the tree; baked into pies, tartes, muffins, and cakes; made into apple sauce; pressed into cider; and fermented into wine.
In the Finger Lakes, you can buy apples directly from the grower. To search for farm stands that sell apples, click here. You can also pick your own apples. To search for u-pick orchards, click here.
Crazy Facts About Apples (pdf) Apple Variety Descriptions and Their Uses (pdf)
For recipes using apples, nutritional information about apples, information about the various apple varieties, fun facts and children's activities, visit the New York Apple Association.
Created 10 November 2011