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Marinas on Cross Lake

Cross Lake is a small lake in Cayuga County in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York. Only about 2,000 acres in size, Cross Lake is crossed by the Seneca River and often used by those motorboating along the river. Cross Lake has only one small marina, which technically is on the Seneca River (but very close to Cross Lake) and may be difficult to see as it is hidden by a bridge across the river.


Please note: The user fees listed belowed are just a guide and may vary depending on the service and the season.


Cross Lake


P = Public

PR = Private


G = Gas

D = Diesel

Public or Private
User Fee
Slips Launch Ramps Fuel Toilets Haul Outs Repair Pump Out

Cross Lake Marina

3125 State Rt. 370

(Fire Lane 18)

Cato, NY 13033


PR $6.00 125   G X     X

Quimby's Marina

Quimby's Bridge

6810 River Rd.

Jordan, NY 13080


PR $6.00 X 1          


Updated 5 June 2009








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