Home > Fun > Recipes > BorrelloWild Mushroom SautéFrom Fox Run VineyardsHere's a sauce that creates a rich pasta entreé or a tasty topping for beef or veal. Fox Run Blanc de Blanc will complement either.
WILD MUSHROOM SAUTÉServes 6 1 ounce dried wild mushrooms, mixed 1½ cups water, warmed 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flour 8 ounces milk, hot ¼ cup dry white wine 1 pound button mushrooms, fresh, sliced 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon oil ¼ cup onion, chopped 1 clove garlic, minced salt and pepper to taste
Soak dried wild mushroom mix in 1½ cups warmed water. Stir occasionally so any sand goes to the bottom of the water.
For cream sauce, mix butter with flour. Stir over heat until it smells like a freshly baked cookie, but not browned.
Add the hot milk and 6 ounces of water from the dried mushrooms. Stir and cook until it barely simmers, about 30-5 minutes. Add the wine, salt, and pepper.
Sauté the fresh mushrooms in 1 tablespoon each of butter and oil (peanut or canola) until slices brown and evaporate a lot of moisture from the mushrooms. Add the onion, garlic, and softened dried mushrooms.
Sauté onions until they start to brown. Add cream sauce and simmer 2-3 minutes.
Per serving: 173 calories; 13g fat (69% calories from fat); 3g protein; 10g carbohydrate; 31mg cholesterol; 464mg sodium
Reprinted with permission of the author from Recipes from the Wineries of the Great Lakes by Joe Borrello, Raptor Press, Lapeer, MI, 1997.