Home > Arts & EntertainmentRestaurants in the Finger LakesThere are nearly a thousand restaurants in the Finger Lakes from the most basic to the most extravagant. You will find many of them listed on the pages of this Web site. What you won't find are pizza parlors and franchises like McDonald's, Wendy's, Arby's, and Applebee's as they are common in just about any town in the Finger Lakes of any size.
All restaurants in New York State are inspected by the local health departments and should meet ordinary standards of cleanliness, however, unlike in Europe, most restaurants in the United States, including in the Finger Lakes, don't post their menus, so you must commit to entering the restaurant and sitting down in order to see what is being served.
Your best bet in finding a reliable restaurant is to frequent those associated with hotels, inns, wineries, resorts, and spas. If you're staying at a bed and breakfast, ask the innkeeper to recommend a restaurant.
To find a list of restaurants in a particular county, click on the county name.
To find a restaurant in a particular location, search by keyword, using the words "restaurant" and the name of the location. See also Diners.
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