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Site Info for ILovetheFingerLakes.com


I believe the Finger Lakes is a wonderful place to live, work, and visit. It's my hope that, through my Web site--www.ilovethefingerlakes.com--people from all over the world will feel the same way. Even if someone never visits the Finger Lakes, if they visit my Web site and learn something interesting about the Finger Lakes or come away with a positive impression, my Web site has done its job.


For people who live in the Finger Lakes, I want them to come to my Web site regularly for information about things they can do, places they can visit, and where they can stay when traveling around the Finger Lakes. The Web site also has lots of historical and geological information, and fun facts. For people and businesses in the Finger Lakes, who offer something relevant to tourists, I want them to have a place on my Web site where they can be found by people who are looking for interesting things in the Finger Lakes--museums; theatres; antique shops; places to go stay; places to pick fresh fruits and vegetables; places to ski, bike, hike, boat, and watch birds, get married, drink a nice glass of wine or cider, eat a good meal, or just sit and enjoy a view. I want to offer local tourism-related businesses, especially small business who don't have a lot of money to advertise in newspapers and magazines, the opportunity to be listed on a Web site that's visited by hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world, and, if they choose, to create a spot where they can stand out from the crowd.


Finally, for people in the Finger Lakes, I want to instill in them a sense of pride in the place in which they live, a sense of wonder at its beauty, and enjoyment in its history.




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